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Bleach: Work

The Last NLD

This is one that's just for me.

My girlfriend is a massive fan of anime, a world she's invited me into which is full of things that are best left unexplained. Her favourite series is Bleach, a show filled with a cast of characters who all have their own individualities. Everyone has their own specifically named sword, each needing a different phrase to call upon it and each having a name that fits neatly with each character's personality. This is a celebration of everything the show has in anime form (I've not read the manga yet!) - every character, sword name (in English and Japanese) and outfit choice throughout the 366 episodes.

Working on this gave me a huge appreciation of the anime style of drawing; the simplicity of the use of shading for hair and shadows, the expressions portrayed by just a character's eyes, the lovely tiny features of each character to define them easily.

Bleach: Text
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